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The Horse

Today more than 77% of children ages 9 - 17 have a smart phone.1
Parents and caregivers see them as tools for keeping children safe and connected. What they may not realize is these devices are also Trojan Horses that can provide predators with direct, 24-7 access to children in their homes, bedrooms, and schools.

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The facts are disturbing:

Waiting for tech platforms to prioritize the safety of children and youth isn’t working. Things need to change.

Take a short survey and tell us what you think should be done to safeguard children online.

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To protect children everywhere, we need governments around the world holding tech companies to account. Thank you to our international allies for supporting this campaign:

  1. MediaSmarts. (2022). Young Canadians in a wireless world Phase IV: Life online. https://mediasmarts.ca/sites/default/files/2022-11/life-online-report-en-final-11-22.pdf
  2. WeProtect. (2021). Estimates of childhood exposure to online sexual harms and their risk factors: A global study of childhood experiences of 18 to 20 year olds. https://www.weprotect.org/wp-content/uploads/Estimates-of-childhood-exposure-to-online-sexual-harms-and-their-risk-factors-.pdf
  3. Save the Children Finland. (2021). Grooming in the eyes of a child: A report on the experiences of children on online grooming. https://pelastakaalapset.s3.eu-west-1.amazonaws.com/main/2021/08/03151159/grooming_in_the_eyes_of_a_child_2021.pdf
  4. ECPAT Sweden. (2021). “Everything that is not a yes is a no”: A report about children’s everyday exposure to sexual crimes and their protective strategies. https://ecpat.se/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/ECPAT-Report-2021_Everything-that-is-not-a-yes-is-a-no.pdf
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